What's In A Name?

Believe it or not, I knew what the name of my business was going to be before the actual business came about (say whaaaaat?!?).  I vividly remember taking my mom on a lunch date to a spot in Atlanta called  Houlihan’s Restaurant + Bar (now closed) where their table coverings were of a long piece of white drawing paper complimented with an array of crayons. Perfect! I remember drawing different scribbles, + doodles on the table over drinks + small chat with mom + then wrote out “Twelve15”, just like that with the number 12 spelled out + 15 right next to it. I drew it really big, added more color layers to it, + I scripted it almost to perfection + confidently told my mom, “this is going to be the name of my business one day.” Mom looked at the drawing then looked up at me + confirmed "I think you're on to something." Fast forward some years (I truly forget how many, but I can comfortably say at least 6) later, here I am, with my own business, rightfully named "Twelve15 Design Studio".

So, one of the questions that I'm often asked when people hear the name of my business  is “What is Twelve15?” or "What does Twelve15 mean?" My response; “it’s my birthday, December 15th” + that’s it guys, there's no other explanation, no other deep meanings, curtains closed, audios, for reals!  Buuuuut, of course that’s not “just it” especially if I'm writing a damn blog about it, RIGHT?!  If you know me, or as you get to know me, you’ll discover that many times there’s a deeper (sometimes not that complex, truly) meaning to why I make certain decisions.  I honestly believe I was guided to name my business this, + as I started to make the connections as to why I was put here on this planet, I discovered that some of the reasons are to serve, to help others, + to create. Now, when I thought about it, my name, Ofunneka Asielue (however you want to flip it) is WAY too complicated (read: beautiful) to use, but Twelve15... now THIS... this has true meaning on it's own.

I was born in Warri, Nigeria to an awesome set of parents, who you might  hear me talk about from time to time if you decide to follow my blog (why the heck wouldn't you?).  After being in labor for 17 hours, my mother fiiiiiinally gave birth to me, naturally, might I add, at 12:10am, it was a special day! However, when my 8lb 5oz behind came out I was not breathing; I was turning purple, I was fat, + I was quiet, but cute, nonetheless. I tell people I was probably being stubborn, doing the world a favor for juuuust a little longer before I came out + turned up! Anyway, I had to be resuscitated + needless to say, my mom almost didn't make it either.  I guess I was a wild one, thankful for my kiss of life! There were many times throughout my life that Mommy, my paternal grandmother (yes, we called her Mommy), would tell me that I was born to do great things. She was actually in the delivery room when I was born, clenching her rosary + praying... a lot... the whole time (oh, how I miss her).

 Whatever I was put on this earth to do, I know that I am here to make an impact, + my business is to reflect just that.  That after being brought to life on December 15th, it is for certain that I am supposed to be here.  Honestly, life is about learning + discovering your purpose + your gifts along the way, + it's quite the journey, isn't it? So, there you have it, a little background scoop on where Twelve15 came from... it's just my birthday.  Oh, it also sounds nice too, doesn't it? *whispers "Twelve15" to self*. I mean, it just mellifluously kind of rolls off the tongue, right? LOL!  Well, I am truly, truly happy you're here on this journey with me, + I am excited for the many opportunities that I will be afforded to be a blessing to others, to be life-impacting, + to creatively express myself through my business!

Til next time!

Mary Williams